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Heavenly Rose Equestrian LLC

Welcome to Heavenly Rose Equestrian! We are a family friendly operation, striving to provide opportunities for all of our riders. Whether you wish to ride competitively or if learning to ride has been a lifelong goal, we offer something for everyone! HRE specializes in hunter/jumpers and OTTBs.





Meet Our Horses

Don't let his size fool you... this pony is small but mighty! Hank is a professional at teaching our smallest riders to ride on their own. His attention-seeking personality makes him very well known in the barn.

Don't let his size fool you... this pony is small but mighty! Hank is a professional at teaching our smallest riders to ride on their own. His attention-seeking personality makes him very well known in the barn.

Don't let his size fool you... this pony is small but mighty! Hank is a professional at teaching our smallest riders to ride on their own. His attention-seeking personality makes him very well known in the barn.

Don't let his size fool you... this pony is small but mighty! Hank is a professional at teaching our smallest riders to ride on their own. His attention-seeking personality makes him very well known in the barn.



This pony is small but mighty! His attention-seeking personality makes him very well known in the barn.

Don't let his size fool you... this pony is small but mighty! Hank is a professional at teaching our smallest riders to ride on their own. His attention-seeking personality makes him very well known in the barn.


Sky loves to be the center of attention! His favorite part of any day is a good grooming complete with extra treats.


Add bio about this horse. Short and sweet, but still enough info to get to know them. Don't need an essay.


Cowboy loves to snuggle. After every ride, he always makes sure he gets his well deserved forehead scratches!



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